

The Myth of the Glacier

Price: 22.900 ISK
Departure: 8-9 am
Duration: 9-11 hours
Availability: All Year
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Snæfellsjökull is a glacier topped mountain formed by volcanic activity situated on the south western tip of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. Snæfellsjökull is so majestic that on a clear day it can be seen across the bay from Reykjavik 120km away.

As well as providing some of the most beautiful and dramatic scenery in Iceland Snæfellsjökull is a place cloaked in mystery and legend. For many Icelanders and visitors the mountain is a sacred place with it being said there is a protective feminine energy vortex around the mountain.

This long full day tour is action packed and allows time to explore the dramatic and extremely varied Snæfellsnes peninsular which many people feel provides a snapshot of Iceland.

You will travel in a comfortable 4 wheel drive vehicle suitable for the gravel and off road surfaces on which we travel to some of the scenic points we visit. We travel in a group of a maximum of 12 people which we usually find creates a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere which is welcoming for small groups or single travellers.  The Guide will have a lot of local knowledge and should be able to answer any questions you might have about the area as well as providing plentiful information about the real Iceland during the tour.  We want you to have an experience which will create a special memory for many years to come.



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Sykkishólmur - Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Djúpalónssandur - Day Tour the Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Snæfellsjökull the Glacier with it's famous energy vortex

Snæfellsnes Day Tour - The Shark Farm Bjarnarhöfn

Sykkishólmur - Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Djúpalónssandur - Day Tour the Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Snæfellsjökull the Glacier with it's famous energy vortex

Snæfellsnes Day Tour - The Shark Farm Bjarnarhöfn



[cudazi_tab title=’Dress Code’]It is important to remember the weather constantly changes in Iceland with many different conditions often being experienced in the same day.  So it is best to dress in layers and take with you clothing which will give excellent wind and rain protection.  Suitable footwear is essential with hiking shoes or boots being best suited to Iceland’s rough terrain.  If you want to get up close and personal with that special feature or take that unique photo shot this will usually involve a short hike across some rugged terrain.


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We have lunch at a café and stop for refreshments and at many places of interest on the way to Snæfellsjökull. There are always lots of opportunities to stop and take photographs. This tour includes the following places of interest and natural beauty:

Borgarnes – the town
Borg á Mýrum (Egill’s Skallagrímsson birthplace)
Eldborg Crator coastal town of – we drive past this

The Stykkishólmur – unique coastal and Danish merchant town
We will visit either:
The Volcano Museum

Bjarnarhofn Shark Museum – provides a history of shark fishing and offers you an opportunity to taste the Icelandic delicacies of dried shark and “rotten” shark.
Entrance fee for either museum is 800ISK per person.

Berserk lavafield – We drive past this is young lavafield which was formed only three to four thousand years ago seeing wonderful shapes, colours and thick mosses.

Grundarfjörður Town with dramatic views of the coastal mountain Kistufell.

Ólafsvík – a traditional and picturesque fishing village.

Saxhóll Crater – there is a short hike to this stunning cone shaped crater formed only three to four thousand years ago by a volcanic eruption.

Dritvik – explore a unique black pebble beach on your way to walk the labyrinth high on an unspoilt headland with views of the coast and Snæfellsjökull.

Djúpalónssandur Beach – try your hand at lifting the four “lifting stones” used to test the strength of fisherman in times past.

National Park of Snæfellsjökull we drive through then visit the Park Visitor Centre at Hellnar. See more information at

Arnarstapi – we visit this beautiful little fishing hamlet on the Southern side of Snæfellsjökull. This area is featured in the famous Bardar-Saga. The cliffs along the coastline are occupied by myriads of birds including kittiwakes, fulmars and razorbills.

Snæfellsjökull/Rauðarfellsgjá – this area was made famous by Jules Verne’s novel “A Journey to the Centre of the Earth” in which the entrance to the centre of the earth is from a passage into the mountain. When we explore Rauðarfellsgjá and walk into the “Troll Cave” to experience the “embrace” of the mountain whilst looking up at the sky above you too may understand his inspiration! There is plenty of space in the cave and no actual climbing is required.

Borgarnes Settlement Centre if time permits we stop here on the way home.

For a private group or if all people on the tour wish to a visit to Vatnshellir Cave is a possibility on this tour. Please note this option would need to be booked in advance.